How Long Does Heroin Detox Take?

You or someone you love has finally decided it’s time to seek treatment for heroin use. It’s a giant step. But you know that the first phase of getting clean is going to be hard as your body goes through withdrawal. There are many variables involved in withdrawal from all drugs, starting with the substance […]
How Long Does It Take to Detox From Alcohol?

Are you struggling with alcohol addiction? If you regularly drink more than intended, find that you need a drink to get through the day, or experience anxiety or insomnia when you try to stop drinking, you might have developed a dependence on alcohol. Trying to stop drinking on your own can be challenging. Withdrawal symptoms […]
Importance of Detox Before Recovery

Making the choice to begin treatment for an addiction is an incredibly difficult choice to make, especially when that addiction is to a substance like alcohol or drugs. The truth is that millions of individuals struggle with substance addiction, but only a small percentage seek assistance from an addiction detox program. Though seeking help is […]
How Drug Addiction Can Start

The question of how drug addiction starts is a complicated one. Substance abuse can start in many unlikely places. Substance abuse can begin as a coping mechanism for stressors during the teen years, or to compensate for an undiagnosed mental health issue. Addiction can start with one pain prescription after an accident or an illness. […]
How to Help a Friend with Heroin Addiction

We have seen articles about the rise of opioid use in the United States and by the rule of numbers this means that it is likely that someone you know or love is struggling with opioid addiction. But what do we do when we observe addiction behaviors in our families, or among our friends? Addiction […]
Dangers of Binge Drinking in College

Binge drinking is unsafe no matter how old you are. For college students, drinking too much can seem like a rite of passage. Parties and peer pressure can create an environment where college students feel like they need to drink excessively to enjoy themselves. However, binge drinking, which is defined as five or more drinks […]
Do Men and Women Detox Differently?

Detox is a process in which the body naturally removes substances like drugs and alcohol from the body and begins the process of healing. The actual process of detoxing takes time. The length of time and the way a person feels during the process depend on the type of drugs used and factors such as […]
Early Signs That You Need Detox

Drug or alcohol abuse treatment often starts with detox. But, how can someone know if they need detox before going to treatment? The body typically will send signals to indicate that the substance has a stronghold on it. Recognizing these symptoms may help in the decision of whether to go to detox. However, don’t stop […]