How Long Does Detox Take?

The first step to entering rehab is to undergo a drug detox. During detox, the primary goal is to get all the drug out of your body and help you start to break the physical need for the drug. However, the drugs that you have used in the past and the length of time you’ve […]
What is the Cost of Drug Detox?

Have you ever wondered how much it would cost to go through drug detox? If you have, you’re certainly not alone. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people have questions about this, largely because it’s not something that is openly talked about. Individuals who are struggling with addiction often find themselves […]
What Medications Are Used During Medical Detox?

If you’re considering treatment for your addiction, you’ve come to the right place. Making the first step to get help is crucial. When you have dependency issues with substances such as opiates, it’s only natural that you’re concerned about withdrawing and the effects of detoxing. To minimize discomfort, it’s best to be in an inpatient […]
What Is Medical Detox?

If you’ve ever wondered what the term medical detox refers to, it involves medical treatment that is received in an inpatient treatment facility for an addiction. Typically, the addiction in question is severe enough that simply quitting that particular substance cold turkey could potentially result in medical symptoms that are harmful. In some cases, they […]
Do I Need a Detox Program?

The first step in any addiction treatment is detoxification, which is when the body rids itself with the addictive substance. During detox, patients will experience withdrawal symptoms as their bodies adjust to being without the drug. When choosing a drug and alcohol detox program, several factors must be taken into consideration. The first is whether […]
How Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Works

Recent world events have greatly increased stress levels and left many people in severe isolation. If your experience with all this pressures has led to experimentation with addictive substances, you’re not alone. However, it’s possible to get help with your addiction concerns and continue to live your life. A review of how outpatient alcohol treatment […]
How are Medical Detox and MAT Different?

Anyone who has been there will attest that getting through detox is one of the most challenging parts of overcoming addiction. And they couldn’t be any more spot-on in that assertion. Abruptly quitting any substance can open the door to an onslaught of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, some of which can give way to relapse. Some […]
Does Insurance Cover Drug Addiction Treatment?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to cover drug addiction treatment. Outpatient and inpatient services are included, depending on what state you live in and what health care plan you choose. Generally, though, insurers cannot completely deny coverage for substance abuse disorders. There are, however, some states that require insurers to cover treatment […]
Should I Attend a Drug Treatment Center?

Addiction recovery is never easy. However, it can prove far more challenging if you attempt to do it on your own. Although many addicts believe that quitting drugs is just a matter of willpower, substance use disorder (SUD) is far more complex. In fact, it’s currently recognized as a chronic mental health issue. SUD affects […]
What Is drug addiction?

Drug addiction can be defined as a compulsive desire to use drugs even though the use of drugs may harm one’s health. There may be times when someone with drug addiction is unable to control their drug use and may continue to use drugs regardless of the consequences that may result from it. Addiction to […]