When deciding to enter a drug rehab program, the cost of treatment is often one of the first factors prospective rehab clients consider. In fact, some people who struggle with addiction are under the mistaken belief that they are unable to afford to enter a recovery program. Fortunately, there are rehab centers near Boston that cater to every income level.
There are several ways clients are able to pay for a drug treatment program. People who have health insurance are often surprised to learn that their insurance plan will cover rehab. Those who have insurance should first contact their insurance carrier to determine which rehab centers, programs, and services are covered by their health insurance plan. Some people are able to pay for rehab out of pocket, or they may receive financial help from their employer or close relatives and friends. Rehab centers often offer in-house payment plans that allow clients to pay over time while they receive treatment if they are unable to pay the total cost upfront. Government agencies and non-profit organizations offer treatment programs for people who have low income or no income.
Curricula Available at Treatment Programs
Although price points may vary from center to center and program to program, certain approaches to treatment are standard across most rehab centers. Individual therapy and group therapy are common treatment modalities across virtually all rehab centers. Traditional approaches to recovery like 12 Step programs are also widely available. Some programs offer variations to the 12 Step approach. Specialty programs adapt long-standing recovery curricula to treat members of a specific gender, culture, or other shared background. Rehab centers also generally introduce clients to support groups and other transitional resources to help them reintegrate back into daily living outside of the treatment center environment.
Treatment Program Amenities
Amenities vary widely from one rehab center to another. Some treatment facilities are very luxurious and are sometimes located in remote or even exotic locations. Others offer amenities to meet the basic needs of program participants. Treatment centers are increasingly offering holistic resources to support traditional recovery activities. Meditation, yoga, social excursions, and forms of creative expression like art therapy are becoming increasingly common at rehab centers across all price levels.
Inpatient and Outpatient Therapy
Most rehab centers offer inpatient and outpatient programs. Many also offer hybrid programs that combine the best features of both types of treatment. Inpatient programs are also known as residential treatment. Clients who enroll in a residential program reside at the treatment center, and the rehab facility provides the client’s meals and essential needs while residing at the facility. Residential treatment is most often recommended to people who are more likely to thrive in treatment if they are removed from their daily setting.
Outpatient programs allow the client to travel to the treatment center to participate in program activities and receive services for a prescribed amount of hours each week and return home, go to work, and take care of other responsibilities such as caring for dependent children or elderly or ill family members. Residential and outpatient programs are available to people of all income levels.
Choosing a Rehab Center
When choosing a rehab program, affordability is important; however, there are several other factors clients should consider. People who have an underlying mental health condition should choose a program that treats clients who have a dual diagnosis. People who live in the city may have a better outcome if they enroll in a program that is in a more remote area. Those who live in a remote area may do better in a program that is located in an unfamiliar urban environment far away from negative influences in their local community.
Choosing a treatment program can seem like an overwhelming process to individuals who are looking to begin their road to recovery. Our addiction counselors are available to help people from all backgrounds determine which rehab program may be the most appropriate fit. We are available to provide information to people who are struggling with substance abuse and their families. Call us today at 833.970.2054 to learn about treatment options in the Boston area.