How Family Therapy Can Improve Communication

a group works on communication activities for family therapy

Addiction does not emerge fully formed one day in a person’s life. There are many underlying influences and risk factors that play a role in the development of an addiction. Early family dynamics often set the stage for later addictions, and current family interactions can perpetuate or exacerbate the problem. They can also be a […]

How Effective Is Family Therapy for Addiction?

man and woman get family therapy

If you are seeking support for your addiction recovery, your family can be one of the first lines of defense in keeping your sobriety on track. However, this means that your family will be experiencing your journey with you. This can be taxing on the family unit, as well as on your individual family members. […]

How Addiction Recovery Affects Families

family affected by addiction recovery

Addiction treatment is a deeply personal and individual process. However, addiction can impose devastating side effects on everyone in a family. You may not be able to immediately perceive how your behavior affects everyone around you. However, it is likely that your addiction will affect your family. The repercussions of addiction can be staggering and […]

How Families Affect Addiction

a family affects a woman's addiction

What role does the family play in addiction? Families can be a source of support for those who are working to overcome substance use issues, but they can also enable destructive behaviors. Some individuals are more likely to struggle with addiction as a result of a family history of substance use disorders. Conflict is common […]